Who do I call?
Region of Queens 902-354-3453 www.regionofqueens.com
Questions regarding municipal by-laws, to report unsightly premises, for building permits, spring clean-up garbage collection, tax rates, etc.
RCMP 902-354-5721
To report any illegal activities and also unsafe operation of any motorized vehicles including ATV’s, motorcycles, cars, etc and excessive noise.
For Off Road Vehicle Violations you can also contact a conservation officer at 1-800-565-2224. This number is manned 24/7.
In the event of any land based emergencies - call 911.
Fire & Rescue
All of the fire departments in Queens are serviced by volunteers. For non-emergency information and enquiries, please find contact information below.
Greenfield Fire Department 902-685-2174
North Queens Fire Association 902-682-2696
North Queens Ground Search & Rescue 902-685-3993
Queens Co. Ground Search & Rescue 902-354-7319
Dept. of Natural Resources 1-800-565-2224
For any questions or concerns related to wildlife, hunting, fire and forestry and to report any suspected violations.
Dept. of the Environment 902-543-4685
For questions or problems related to the environment such as improper sewage disposal, clear cutting, etc.
Dept. of Transportation (for Bridgewater area) 902-543-4121
To report problems with the roads coming into the GMLLOA areas that are NOT Association roads, but the responsibility of the province. This would include potholes, wash-outs, sinkholes, etc.

Photo: Michael Bird