GMLLOA - Association Fee Changes
The Greater Molega Lake Lot Owners Assocation (GMLLOA) has been able to maintain rates with no changes for upwards of 7 years. This year, the board has decided to make changes to the fee structure and rates, as well as expand services delivered in order to meet a number of immediate and long term goals for our membership. Please read the details below.
What is changing?
• We are consolidating 4 rates into 2
• Consolidating Year Round Residence with the rates for anyone with a structure on their property
• Eliminating ”not on plowing route” rate based on adoption of universal snow clearing on the South and North Shore
Why change the fee structure?
Property use has changed - there are more seasonal residents using their properties year round.
The majority of roads (south shore) are currently plowed in the winter and there is demand for expanded plowing throughout the association. Plowed roads expand the access and use of properties and can result in less road damage done when early users drive on them. Access to properties year round enhances safety, property value, and reduces insurance cost
North Shore and South Shore residents are currently treated differently
Region of Queens can’t take over so many rates – it’s too complex. Please read the Presidents Address from our AGM for an update on our project to have the Region of Queens assess our rates as part of property tax billing.
Prices from our contractors have increased
What are the new rates?
Current Rate | | New Rate | |
Year Round Resident | $526.00 | Developed Property with plowing | $355.00 |
Seasonal on a plowing Route | $319.00 | Developed Property with plowing | $355.00 |
Seasonal not on a plowing route | $266.00 | Developed Property with plowing | $355.00 |
Vacant Property | $113.00 | Vacant Property | $130.00 |
Molega Dream Estates | $282.00 | Molega Dream Estates | See above categories |
To summarize the changes by category:
There is a rate decrease for full time residents - they are currently bearing the cost of plowing that benefits all so we’re shifting to basing the rate on services delivered, not services used. The board who voted on this are primarily seasonal (myself included).
There is a very small rate increase for properties currently on a plowing route. This is based on increased costs from contractors and in order to all contribute equally to plowing costs.
There is a rate increase of $89 for properties with structures that are not currently on a plowing route, however this is paired with an increased service level - you will now receive plowing service. We recommend that all members in this cateogriy contact your property insurance provider to advise of the change that your cottage is now accessible year round. We have been told this change will likely result in an insurance savings that exceeds the rate increase.
There is a small rate increase for vacant properties. This is to absorb increased costs from contractors.
Previously Molega Dream Estates paid a higher rate than members. We are offering that all residents of Molega Dream Estates can adopt our standard fee structure, including accessing the “Vacant Land” rate if it applies to their property. We will be communicating these changes with Molega Dream estates residents directly.
When are the rates changing?
The rate changes will be effective for the upcoming billing in November 2022.
We recognize and expect our membership to be sensitive to rate changes. The board of directors has put considerable thought and effort into these decisions in order to ensure we can continue to deliver excellent service, equitably to our members. If you want to read up on how the fees are spent on services for you and your neighbors, please go to where you can find information on the association, rates, minutes from meetings, and audited financial statements.
If you have any questions please speak with your director, or contact or
Dwayne Primeau
GMLLOA President