Garbage Collection and Hazardous Waste
Garbage bins and compost containers are in place in various areas leading into the private roads of our Association. Signs are posted by the garbage bins stating what is acceptable and what is not for placement in the bins. The Region of Queens website also provides that information
It is important that any garbage be placed in the bins and not left outside as it can attract wildlife and aside from making a mess, some items could be harmful to the animals.
For items that should NOT be left at the garbage bins, the location of the waste management facility where these items can be dropped off at NO CHARGE is: 3750 Highway 8 (about 15 minutes north of Liverpool). Their hours are Monday – Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and Saturday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Household hazardous waste can only be dropped off on Saturdays.
A second option if your headed towards Halifax and don't want a detour is to drop hazardous waste at the Lunenberg County facility near Bridgewater. Note there is a fee for use. Location and details can be found at

Photo: Garry Conway