Cottagers Code
...for the Greater Molega Lake Area

Photo: Garry Conway
​​Statement of purpose
The purpose of this Cottager’s Code for the Greater Molega Lake Lot Owners Association is not to dictate how people must behave, but rather to suggest an approach to certain fundamental issues surrounding cottage life that, if adopted, will help preserve the beauty and serenity of our area for the enjoyment of all.
Despite the fact that many cottages line the shorelines of our lakes and the contiguous waters of adjoining rivers, streams, the environment remains largely pristine, and the general ambience of the waterways is one of peacefulness.
These qualities are increasingly rare in cottage country, and worth preserving. Maintaining a quiet and unspoiled ambience on the lakes has many benefits - aesthetic, personal and economic. The Molega Lakes are a “special place”.
Our lakes should remain a place where the air is pure, the forests green and thriving, the wildlife abundant, the shoreline natural, the nights dark, and the loudest sound is the call of the loons. It should be a refuge from the noise and pressures of daily life - a place to delight the eye, quiet the mind and soothe the soul.
Preserving our lakes most attractive characteristics will require a concerted effort by every property owner and their guests. This Cottager’s Code identifies activities and conditions, which could compromise the lake’s serenity, and respectfully suggests an approach that will benefit the entire community of property owners and lake users.
Cottagers Code
It is the desire of all who know and love Molega and surrounding lakes that the character and beauty remain unchanged for future generations. All Members of the Greater Molega Lake Lot Owners Association are encouraged:
To pursue all means to maintain Molega and surrounding Lakes in their present wild and pristine state, with their many natural treasures.
To engender in all members and neighbours the concept of individual stewardship of the lakes, and to recognize our responsibility of passing them on to future generations in the same condition as we have received them.
Where possible, to act to protect the interest of the Molega Lake community.
Accordingly, it is respectfully suggested that the following code of conduct be observed at Molega and surrounding Lakes:
Physical characteristics:
Every effort will be made the preserve and protect the physical beauty of the forest, the shoreline, and the waters of Molega and surrounding lakes.
The urbanization of the shoreline environment is discouraged. Extensive tree removal, lawn planting, and other changes which alter the wilderness character of the lake’s shoreline, should be avoided.
The waters of Molega and surrounding lakes will be preserved in their clean, clear state. Property owners will ensure that septic systems function correctly, and are regularly maintained. The use of fertilizers that may enter the lakes with runoff will be avoided. Soaps and shampoos will never be used in the lake, since they contribute to phosphate enrichment and algae growth.
The diversity of wildlife with whom we share the lake environment will be respected, and where necessary every effort will be made to preserve their habitat.
To limit the risk of forest fires, any burning will be done with great care, adequate precautions, and in full observation of the restrictions which may from time to time be put in place by the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources. Cottagers are encouraged to determine the current state of fire regulations before lighting open fires for any purpose.
Preserving a quiet, unspoiled environment on Molega and surrounding lakes shall be given the highest priority.
Every property owner on Molega and surrounding lakes has a fundamental right to the quiet enjoyment of their surroundings. Loud parties, the playing of music that can be heard beyond the confines of one’s own cottage, and other forms of intrusive noise likely to disturb others, are specifically discouraged. Preserving a quiet environment requires special consideration in the evenings and nights, when sounds carry strongly across water.

Photo: Garry Conway
Personal watercraft, all-terrain vehicles, motorcycles/dirt bikes, and outboard motors generate a particularly intrusive form of noise, which can, if operated improperly, interfere with the quiet enjoyment to which every property owner is entitled. Accordingly, Molega area property owners respectfully ask that cottagers and their guests operate these vehicles with respect for your neighbours, in accordance with the law and the manufacturer’s recommendations for safety.
Boating safety is a prime concern for all users of Molega and surrounding lakes. Property owners are asked to observe all regulations, particularly those restricting speed close to shorelines. High speed, high powered and excessively noisy boats not in keeping with the preservation of a quiet environment on the lake, are not welcome.
To protect the environment from light pollution, property owners will keep illumination to a minimum, avoid placing spot lights where they may shine over the lakes, or be highly visible from other properties, and turn lights off wherever possible.
Observing the suggestions of this Cottager’s Code will help preserve and protect the beauty and tranquility of Molega and surrounding lakes, so that it may remain a place of striking natural beauty where the mind is nourished and the spirit calmed.