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Cottage and Property Maintenance


On-site sewage (commonly referred to as septic systems)

Installing/modifying a septic system is controlled by NS Dept. of Environment. Anyone installing/modifying an on-site system requires an approval from the Dept of the Environment.

How to find a Qualified Person/Engineer: This site is also where you would look up a septic tank pumper. 

General info for On-site Septic systems can be found at: 

The general guideline for tank pumping is every 3 -5 years although there are factors that affect the frequency such as size of the tank, how many people live in the home ,how many/how frequently guests visit, how responsible the residents are with water conservation/use, and how much the cottage is occupied. The septic system guide for homeowners can be found at: 


Drinking water wells: A homeowner does not need approval to install a well but the installation must be done by a Certified well contractor: 

This link is focused on private well water supplies and includes a series of fact sheets called “Drop On Water” which can be very helpful in answering questions on specific drinking water quality concerns 

Cisterns: The following link provides information on the use of cisterns for water supply which may be a reasonable alternative to digging a well. 


Oil heating (spill prevention): risk of spills from oil heating can be higher for cottage properties because of potential vandalism/theft, amount of time the cottage is not occupied, etc.. This is a booklet that will give guidance on domestic oil tanks spill prevention: 


Solid Waste: Garbage/Recycling/Compost is managed through your municipality. Molega Lake is in both Municipality of Lunenburg (  ) and Municipality of Queens



Lake Property Development:  Kings County has a good brochure for developing property near a lake: 

Altering a Watercourse

Anyone interested in altering a watercourse (lake, brooks, wetlands, etc.) are required to have an Approval.  This includes development such as bridges, culverts, wharves, water supply lines, infilling etc.: 

Also keep in mind that if sediment is caused to be released into a watercourse this is considered under “Release of Substance” under the Environment Act and the violator is subject to fines and/or other enforcement action. So regardless of whether a direct alteration to a watercourse occurs, indirect damage still falls under the Act, e.g. sediment/contaminants that run off a driveway into the lake.

PO Box 242

Bridgewater, Nova Scotia

B4V 2W6

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