Community Wildfire Protection Plan 2023
Greater Molega Lake Lot Owners Association - North Shore
Mission Statement
We support and strengthen fire and emergency medical services and stakeholders to prepare for, prevent, mitigate, and respond to all fire hazards.
The purpose of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is to establish an organized response to a wildfire at Molega North. The focus is on providing residents with information to help them avoid a fire and in the event of a fire to enable residents to leave Molega North.
Molega North has only one road which starts at the Faulkenham Road and which leads into Baker Point and Uhlman Point. See map attached as Appendix A. This places the residents at high risk should a wildfire cut off the exit road.
The CWPP creates a protocol in the event of a wildfire and includes an exit plan.
Key Stakeholders
Lot owners
Other communities which are not members of the GMLLOA
Fire department and first responders
Identified Fire Risk
The land belonging to the Association residents is typically forested. In many cases trees are adjacent to homes and cottages. In addition, the areas surrounding the lake are heavily forested providing ample fuel for a fire. Due to the large size of Molega Lake it frequently creates a windy environment which adds additional risk.
Assets at Risk
As of autumn 2023, there are 295 lots with approximately 156 cottages and homes, plus numerous outbuildings on Molega North. We estimate that there are between 200 and 400 people in these dwellings when fully occupied.
Forest Health/Types of Fuel
The forest is a mixed Acadian forest. The average age of the forest in the developed cottage areas is approximately 70 years, interspersed with old growth in the undeveloped woodlots and surrounding forest. There has not been a significant forest fire in the area for many years, consequently there is also a significant amount of dry underbrush.
The location of a cottage or home in respect to trees and underbrush is an additional risk. Ideally, there would be a cleared perimeter of 3 meters (10 ft) around dwellings to restrict the fuel source. Similarly, many residents store wood and gas under or around decks, which is an additional fuel source. Again, it is preferable not to do this.
Additionally, many cottages have gasoline- or propane-powered generators which typically sit within a three-metre range of the structure; it’s recommended that generators are covered to minimise the risk of falling sparks and that gas cans and propane tanks be stored safely away from the structure.
Additional Risk Reduction Recommendations
Installation of dry hydrant on Baker Point at the boat launch (planning underway)
Road clearances well brushed back to ensure they will remain passable even when a fire starts
Ensure residents have a minimum of 3.5 meter (12 ft) wide driveway to allow trucks to get into a cottage. Driveways should not be chained
Ensure adequate turnaround spots for fire trucks and other emergency vehicles at key points along our roadways
Action Plan in Case of Fire
Emergency number to call in fire (911)
Fire protocol of steps for a resident to call in a fire
Call the fire in immediately before attempting to put it out. The first 20 minutes from when a fire starts is critical. Call even if the fire seems small or under control. It takes the volunteer FD at least 30 minutes to get to our community once they’ve arrived at the North Queens FD in Caledonia
Provincial emergency response text to residents
This system may not be activated in time so is not a recommended early warning mechanism. (discussions underway to determine how the system could be used in an emergency)
Install battery-operated sirens to warn residents of fire danger (need to determine 1-2 locations where these will have the most range) -
To be developed
Local contact numbers for GMLLOA fire wardens
To be developed
Exit timing and plan (when and how)
To be developed
Muster points:
Recommended muster point when Falkenham Road is accessible is at the New Elm Church at Rt 208 i.e. off the Lake
If the exit road is blocked emergency muster points at the end of Uhlman Pt and Baker Pt (FD has asked us to stay away from any dry hydrants or boat ramps they may use for a source of water)
Emergency evacuation by boats (who and how)
To be developed, considering:
Coordination with Molega South residents to pick up our residents by boat (only viable after May long weekend)
Failing that the protocol would be to get into the lake preferable via muster points
Buddy/neighbour check plan (who and how)
To be developed, considering:
Possibility of having a text or digital enabled way for cottagers to check in and out of the area, as a way to know who is in or out in the event of a fire
Look over our roads signs to make sure all roads have signage and indicate the direction to certain civic numbers (underway)
Additional Information
Kara McCurdy, Wildfire Prevention Officer with the Dept. Of Natural Resources & Renewables oversees a Fire Smart Plan program. She will be visiting our area in the next few weeks to conduct a high level wildfire safety preparedness assessment. We have also been speaking to Chris Wolfe, Chief of the North Queens Fire Department in Caledonia, NS who has provided many practical suggestions many of which are reflected in the draft Plan. We also are in contact with the Queens County EMO officials, Brian Hatt and Louis Landry, who have offered to assist us.
We plan to hold a community information session later in August. The meeting will be hosted in Caledonia by Fire Chief Chris Wolfe and it will include Kara McCurdy reporting on her survey and EMO officials.
Appendix A - Map